• 概述
著名导演肯·安纳金执导的新片《长袜子皮皮的新历险》将在1988上映,由Tami Erin,大卫·希曼,Cory Crow,艾琳·布伦南,丹尼斯·杜根等众多明星加盟领衔主演的《长袜子皮皮的新历险》是一部综艺。琥珀影院1期在线观看,并提供了迅雷下载方便各位朋友下载。   After her father's ship is carried off by a sudden storm, the spunky Pippi Longstocking is stranded with her horse, Alfonso,and her pet monkey, Mr. Neilson, and takes up residence in the old family home, which is thought by neighborhood children to be haunted. Soon, two children, Tommy and his sister Anika, venture into the house only to meet up with Pippi. The three soon become friends and get into various adventures together, including cleaning the floor with scrubbing shoes, dodging the splunks, going down a waterfall in barrels, and helping Pippi with the problem of having to go to an orphanage. Older children will probably get the most out of this movie.


经典童话的又一次改编 雀斑红头发的皮皮是独特和难得的 她的自由自在 随心所欲是我们小时候无限向往的 幻想着能打破大人们的规则 只是后来我们都长成了我们的父辈 这一版载歌载舞 离家出走 只要你相信就能实现一切不可能 可怕的是最后变为美式家庭温情戏 皮皮得到了她最不需要的大人们的认同


  After her father's ship is carried off by a sudden storm the spunky Pippi Longstocking is stranded with her horse Alfonsoand her pet monkey Mr. Neilson and takes up residence in the old family home which is thought by neighborhood children to be haunted. Soon two children Tommy and his sister Anika venture into the house only to meet up with Pippi. The three soon becom...
